Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday: Lenten Packing List

Jesus said to them, "Take nothing for your journey, 
no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money—
not even an extra tunic." (Lk 9.2) 

Though I didn’t think of it at the outset, choosing this as a Lenten discipline was a lot like packing for a trip. I mean, it was exactly like packing for a trip. I usually don’t stumble into such obvious metaphors like that. I’m a little embarrassed. But if Lent is a spiritual journey, what’s the harm in making it a little more like a literal journey? As with any trip I had to plan and consider all sorts of issues like job and leisure and lifestyle. Some of my choices were practical. Others were simply a matter of preference. It was a little tedious, frankly. And like packing for a trip, I have that slightly nagging feeling that I will have forgotten something or failed to take something into account once the journey has begun. The prospect of actually having to live with one’s decisions can be troubling.

Not pictured: hoodie
My wife helped me a good bit by posing confounding questions like: don’t you think you’ll need to wear flip flops between now and Easter? She also convinced me that dress shoes—which I detest—were essential. And at the last minute she persuaded me that I should trade a shirt out for a pair of jeans. She's wise. I did need to do two loads of laundry in order to “pack for my trip” which isn’t so unusual. I also required an excel spreadsheet in order to negotiate my list which either means I’m awesome or I am totally over-thinking this.

A couple of things that occurred to me while packing: On any given day I actually have a lot of clothes from which to choose, but I seem to choose the same clothes. A lot of clothes that are in my closet and dresser go unused for weeks and even months; I regularly wear only a small percentage of my wardrobe.

If I'm being honest, it took far too long for me to actually pack, and already I feel like I have too much stuff even for a 40 day journey.

Here’s my packing list (check my math). Notably absent--flip flops:

2 clergy shirts
2 pairs of pants
1 pair of jeans
3 "regular" shirts
1 pair of athletic shorts
1 athletic shirt
1 pair athletic underwear
7 pairs of boxers
7 undershirts
7 pairs of socks
1 pair of dress shoes
1 pair of casual shoes
1 pair of athletic shoes
1 pair pajama pants
1 pajama shirt
1 hoodie
1 belt
1 vest

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