Friday, March 7, 2014

Entry In Which I Embarrass My Readership With Musings On My Unmentionables

Now that I see it posted on the blog, this picture seems less awkward
Following my post about my ministerial uniform, I felt the cleverest thing to do would be to talk about my undergarments. You're blushing a bit, I can tell.

If I can be a little candid—not a lot, mind you; just a little—I’m kind of particular about my socks and undergarments. I suppose that isn’t terribly unusual. But is what I regard as a pretty standard part of my daily dress a simple necessity? Part of me (the same part that chooses to wear the same 40 bits of clothing for Lent and then write a blog about it) wonders if my undergarments aren’t a sort of indulgence or luxury. I know, I know: you’re concerned that I’m over-analyzing my socks and undies a little bit. But friends, we’re three days into Lent, and I’m neck deep into post about a Lenten discipline that I may not have thought through entirely. Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were getting into…
I recall that my freshman year of college I kept asking my mother to send me more underwear until I literally had a month’s worth of boxers (thanks Mother! and Sam’s Club!), just so I wouldn’t have to do laundry as often. It should be noted that I went to a college where they do your laundry for you. It is a great day to be a Wildcat! As an aside, I love my college and for many reasons other than just its laundry service. But to be sure, the laundry service is pretty awesome. Go Wildcats!

I realize now that this picture perhaps requires some explanation...
Since I’ve lately taken literal stock of my wardrobe, it seems that I have way more socks and undergarments than anything else. And when I say that it seems like I have way more underwear and socks than any other type of clothing, what I mean is I actually have more socks and underwear than any other type of clothing. If one examines my list, one will note that slightly over half of my Lenten suitcase is boxers, underwear, and socks. Half. When I made my list a few days ago, I mandated that I had to have a week’s worth.  

Perhaps “luxury” is a bridge too far. My underwear and socks aren't fancy or expensive. In terms of fashion, I hardly give these items any thought. Mostly because people never see these bits of clothing. That, and the fact that the sock and underwear drawer always has an ample supply. And don't let's gloss over the fact that I'm talking about items that appear on practically every list of donation requests from homeless shelters and services. I don't know that I give it any thought at all except when it comes time to restock that drawer. Ironically, while I might be ambivalent at times to wearing my work uniform, but I’m hardly indecisive when it comes to socks and underwear. Likewise, in all seriousness, as I try to teach my children to be grateful to God for the many things we often take for granted--like the clothes on our backs--I'm not sure I ever have my socks and underwear in mind.

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